
Student research, projects shine on 学生学者日

Hundreds of students from a variety of academic 各学科在会议期间公布了他们的研究和创意项目 28th annual 学生学者日 on April 10. 

Since 1996, Grand Valley students have participated in 这次活动,让他们有机会与同学,老师讨论 and mentors their research, data and methods while developing an 授权学习经验.

“You get to see these cool things that students are doing, which generally are presented in a classroom or at a symposium,” said Susan Mendoza, director of the Center for 本科生学者参与. 

“学生学者日 allows these presentations to be elevated in conjunction with other presentations. 我认为这是 是什么产生了兴奋的嗡嗡声. 这是一个情感事件 这被认为是智力活动.”

伊曼尼·佩里,亨利·A. 莫尔斯,小. 伊丽莎白·W. 莫尔斯妇女、性别和性研究教授 哈佛大学非洲裔和非裔美国人研究课程开设 the event with her keynote address on April 9.

的 Department of Visual and Media Arts will feature 学生学者日在中庭画廊提交的作品 考尔德艺术中心,直到4月28日. 

English/Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies 461

英语副教授丹·布朗在英语/妇女课上帮助一名学生完成他的研究项目, 性别与性研究461课
英语副教授丹·布朗帮助一位学生完成他的作业 在他们的英语/妇女,性别和性行为的研究项目 研究461班.
图片来源- Lauren Seymour

This term, students in Dan Brown’s English/WGS 461 班级一直在研究语言和性别之间的动态关系. 

Brown, an associate professor of English, usually 指导研究生的研究项目,所以学生 学者节提供了一个完美的机会来介绍他的班级 of undergraduate students to the process of academic research. 

"It’s helpful for them because it's a high-impact practice, and it represents what we do in academia,” 布朗说. “即使只是它的味道,这也是一件好事,但它需要很多 结构和很多支持. 如果你给他们脚手架 为了它,那么最终,它是值得的."

学生杰克逊·希克斯在英语/妇女课上和同学一起欢笑, 性别与性461课.
小杰克逊·希克斯的研究重点是语调和性别 在客户服务行业.
图片来源- Lauren Seymour

For junior Jackson 希克斯, his research is focused on intonation and gender 在客户服务行业. 希克斯 said his own experience working in customer service sparked his 对主题的好奇心. 他说,当他帮助顾客时,他 spoke with a higher pitch compared to his normal register. 

"Since this class is built around language and how it relates to gender, my research looks at if there is an association with this higher intonation, which is traditionally 被认为是女性化的,而这个客服的声音,因为它 担任服务角色,”希克斯说.

希克斯 said his research examines why customer service 代表们被训练使用更高的语调,为什么 general public is accustomed to that voice from service workers. 

“的re's also the level of it involved in customer 满意,”希克斯说. “人们看起来更平易近人 他们在用那种声音.”

Brown hopes the experience resonates with his students 不管他们是否继续研究生学习. 

“Just having an audience outside of our class makes things a lot more meaningful for students to share their work,” 布朗说. “这更能激励人. 他们觉得自己在做 学习之外的一些真实的东西.

“I think because of all that, they'll look back at it and they'll remember the course as being more impactful.”

Aseel Ayesh

从7岁起,阿伊什就开始学习和练习瑜伽 巴勒斯坦刺绣,tatreez.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

Thanks to a microgrant from the Office of Undergraduate 研究和奖学金,Aseel Ayesh正在探索她的巴勒斯坦 艺术遗产. 

Ayesh, who is pursuing a BBA/MSA dual degree from the 他是Meijer荣誉的成员 学院为学生学者日开展了一个创意项目. 

图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

“I wanted to do something different, especially because 荣誉学院真正注重的是拓宽人们的知识 beyond their fields, and I never really did anything related to 巴勒斯坦。. “我认为这是一个非常好的机会 and I have an obsession with the embroidery that I do.”

Since she was 7 years old, Ayesh has studied and 练习一种叫做tatreez的巴勒斯坦刺绣艺术 often adorns Palestinian dresses known as thobes. 

“Palestinian women for many centuries would stitch 他们的生活在他们的胸襟上,”阿耶什说. “每个符号都有一个 specific meaning to their heritage, their culture, their story, 他们的叙述和个人生活.

“Each motif also goes back to a certain region. 所以你 可能有一个代表橄榄枝的图案,因为他们 在农业领域,但向一个城市伸出橄榄枝可能与 向另一个城市伸出橄榄枝.”

Closeup of Aseel Ayesh's stitchwork on her tapestry.
阿耶什挂毯的一段特写显示了其中的一些图案 在tatreez注册成立.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

While Ayesh’s project won’t be worn, she hopes to donate the finished tapestry to Grand Valley for display. 她说 她从去年夏天开始计划设计,并在秋季学期开始缝纫. 

“I was surprised at how much work it is,” Ayesh said. “当我起草它的时候,我看了档案馆和图书馆来研究每个主题.

“It was very eye-opening to see the amount of details 女人过去常常把这种想法放进她们的衣服里 基本上是他们的生活.” 


凯瑟琳·盖勒(凯瑟琳·盖勒)凝视着她设计和制作的一张光盘 用3d打印机. 的 disc helps her and other researchers at the Annis水资源研究所在研究时收集环境DNA 铁杉像羊毛一样坚硬.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

During her time at the Annis水资源研究所, 凯瑟琳·盖勒非传统的研究工具包括3d 打印光盘,壁球和弹弓. 

Geller has been researching different monitoring techniques for the detection of 铁杉像羊毛一样坚硬, an 以东部铁杉树为食的入侵物种, 为她的学生学者日演讲做准备. 

图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

“Hemlocks are actually a very vital water resource and 一种生态系统资源,因为它们生长在一个林分上 一群人都在一个地方,”盖勒说. “它们对……至关重要 使周围的生态系统非常寒冷,从而影响到任何 鳟鱼产卵的冷水溪流.”

One method of detecting the adelgid’s presence involves 用专门设计的3d打印装置收集环境DNA 塑料盘. 研究ers position four slides coated with petroleum jelly within the disc and place it at the base of an eastern 铁杉. 的 slides capture any flora or fauna DNA within the vicinity. 

Given the towering height of 铁杉 trees, monitoring the adelgid's population growth poses a challenge though. 的 阿德尔吉丝绕着一段棉花状的保护袋 铁杉树枝,让它在相对安全的情况下进食和繁殖.

凯瑟琳·盖勒(凯瑟琳·盖勒)在Annis Water的一个实验室里处理样品 资源研究所.
图片来源:Kendra Stanley-Mills

Geller said another data-gathering method requires shooting Velcro-lined racquetballs into the 铁杉’s upper 分支机构. 研究ers sling the racquetballs into the tree’s canopy 所以阿德莱德保护袋的纤维会粘在魔术贴上.

Overall, Geller said the experience has made her a 更好的学生.

的 reason I chose this major and the reason I'm in this lab is because I like going outside,” Geller said. “这是为 就这么简单.

“我喜欢实验室的工作. 我喜欢这种满足感,而且 我绝对可以用我的余生做研究,我也会的 要乐在其中. 说实话,我想做的是 林业或湿地管理或任何我更亲历亲为的工作 室外工作.”


图片来源- Amanda Pitts

Sophomore 李维Klamer didn’t anticipate participating 他在格兰德谷大学期间做过研究,但从一月份开始 一直在开发代码来分析大急流城的社区. 

"It came into my mind where if I got into it, I’d 进行非常好的一对一的交流,我会 also be doing a high-level independent project,” Klamer said. 

克莱默(李维Klamer)的一个项目要求他绘制大急流城(Grand 急流)的公交车站,并确定它们对社区的可达性.
列维·克莱默(李维Klamer)的一个项目要求他绘制公交车站的分布图 并确定社区的可达性.

Klamer, a computer science major, has been assisting on 一种算法,可以将本地服务对Grand的影响考虑在内 急流. Klamer said the algorithm determines where neighborhood 杂货店、公交车站、医院和餐馆等设施 缺乏.

“It is interesting to see the correlations that 不同的服务将会有怎样不同的领域受到影响 克莱默说. 

Klamer said as he progressed with the project, the correlations among his classes began to emerge. 

“It connects everything because when you're in the “通过课程,你可以学到很多博天堂官方网页个人话题的知识,”克莱默说. “Doing this research, I've connected so many of those courses 以我从未有过的方式在一起.

“I have a math minor, and I'm doing some high-level 像线性代数这样的数学,我以为我永远不会用到它. 然而,我在这里以一种非常有效的方式在一个项目中使用它.”

